Tech Workers Club

Tech Workers Club

We Are 30,000+ Tech Workers Helping Each Other Land Jobs.

Join our tech community to directly engage with hiring members, find new job opportunities faster, and network with industry peers.

$7.99 membership via Patreon

tech workers club

"Forget LinkedIn—Your Next Job Offer Could Come via Slack"

Instant-messaging platform has become speedy, more-informal way for professionals and employers to find each other. Read the full article
30k members worldwide






Data science

and more...

Companies represented and hiring our members:

Apple logo
Reddit logo
Bose logo
Tik Tok logo
Rovio logo
Bitly logo
BBC Maestro logo

And 500+ other tech companies.

What our members have to say

Hi @Steve Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm doing well and excited to be a part of this community. Helping each other land jobs is a great goal, and I'm happy to contribute in any way I can. I'll be sure to introduce myself on #01_intros. Thanks for sharing the job channel directories as well - I'll definitely check those out and join the relevant ones. Looking forward to being a part of this community and connecting with everyone here. Thank you so much!
Senior Product Designer
Thank you for the warm welcome! I am definitely still looking for my next opportunity. I have checked out some of the channels but thank you for the intro suggestion. And a big THANK YOU for your your contribution to this group. It is a tough market and it is helpful to have tools like this.
Healthcare IT Professional
Thank you for the warm welcome to the club! I'm excited to be a part of this community and contribute in any way I can towards helping each other land jobs.
Project Manager
Thank you for such a warm welcome. I will surely look into the steps that can help me land the job. Thank you for sharing.
Software Engineer

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Our mission

"We are building the greatest tech community where members hiring, connect with members that are looking for new job opportunities."

Marc Lombardo
TWC's Founder & President